heartsong photos - page 3
the photos
there seems to be an abundance
of photo documentation of Heartsong's brief history. so,
waste not, want not, here's some more pics . . .
in no particular order.
Watson, Robin, Liza & me, circa 1985. not too serious - here we are '
'rehearsing' . . . if you can call it that. that's Josh Reid's underwear
on our heads, i case you missed it. moving along . . . more of the same. i guess we were happy.
if not very 'serious'
later . . . .
here's one af our attempts at 'professionalism' . .
that's me, Terry, Carol,
Dave & Walt Sayre - tenor of the week. in fact, Walter Sayre was a
very competent, professional musician, a good singer, played the piano
well and would have made a
fine permanent addition to our ensemble,
except . .. . . . he was a T-E-N-O- R - which is an acromym for
having your head up your ass. 'vanity, all is vanity. saith
but who were we kidding anyway? here's a shot of some of our typical 'fans'
i guess Tery thought that was funny. ha ha ha. me too.
if you didn't like Walt, he was a jewel compared to Dean, who had
the usual 'tenor' flaws without the plus side. i had to
fire him. plus,
he also messed up every picture of the group with his goofy
mugging. of course, Terry and Carol are BEAUTIFUL!!
interim solution to the 'tenor problem' was the addition a baritone,
Dave Lord.
that took the pressure off, filled out the sound - and - Dave
was a NICE guy, easy to work with, and a pretty good guitar player.
friendly smile too. sometimes . . . we had help from
other musicians who weren't exactly singers. here a Mr,
Armstrong, a bass player who looked like his name. a nice
guy - a decent
he even wanted to sing, but . . never mind.
who's next? this 'next' is just 'human interest'.
Terry and husband, Hugh Landis - much later. too bad Hugh can't sing.
i wouldn't include this next except that T & C are so PRETTY. i loved them. they made it all worth it.
Carol is holding my baby . . . .
guitar, that is. ha ha. (if only) . .
more of the same. a nice looking group. :))
one more . . . .
yikes! a tenor. Bob Merrill - good
piano, nice voice, friendly, bright, but . . . . still a tenor.
just wouldn't stick to the frying pan. :) we're done
for today. there's more on page 4. here a parting thought.
another bassist.
i THINK it's Terry's son, Walker. nice kid. what happened to him?
click here for Heartsong photos, page 4